
Tekken tag tournament 2 wii u iso jogos loadiine
Tekken tag tournament 2 wii u iso jogos loadiine

tekken tag tournament 2 wii u iso jogos loadiine

  • LoadiineV4+Pygecko : by Onion Knight, based on 4.0, Fixes and adds automatic PyGecko handler launching in loadiine v4.0.
  • tekken tag tournament 2 wii u iso jogos loadiine

    The cover needs to be 160x225 "icone.tga" placed in main game's folder (alongside the content, meta, and code folder) Loadiine flow : by Kasai07, based on 4.0, Add cover display on the gamepad.3.0 mod : by Ptitleray, Support WiiU v4.1.0 and mod : by Maschell, each profile are saved to different savegames folders.Loadiine v4.1 : by MLT, based on 4.0, added support for booting using Art atelier disc and KaraokeU eshop games.To learn how to use loadiine, read the tutorial located on the release thread's first post. Latest official release : Loadiine GX2 v0.2 Open Beta from.Loadiine is a WiiU backup loader for SD Card, working on WiiU 5.3.2 to 5.5.1, and it's region free !

    tekken tag tournament 2 wii u iso jogos loadiine

    This page is for Loadiine compatibility list. Top - # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

    Tekken tag tournament 2 wii u iso jogos loadiine